Installing Aruba Airwave from ISO in VMware Worstation (for lab) by Ulises Cazares

 In the following images you will find the steps to install Aruba Airwave in VMware workstation 16 from the ISO file. I created tthis post due to several try and error attemps to create the VM. Hopefully you won't spend a lot of time to create it like a did.

1.Download the ISO from
2.Create the Virtual machine
1.The paramaters I used and work well are:
1. 4 processors
2. 8G of RAM
3. 60G disk
4. Bridge Networking to use your home or lab network 
3.Follow the wizard to install CentOs and then AMP softwar
Once you have the ISO you can create the VM:


 The last image shows the slection of the previously downloaded ISO and then you just can turn on the VM to start the installation

When this screen apperas, just hit enter

 The 119th step will take some time, be patient


When the firts installation step is finished you’ll see the login screen. Use root for user and admin for password to enter



Change the time accordingly 





Change the time zone accordingly.

For Monterrey, Mexico it´ll be the following sequence: 2, 32,4

Then press 1 and enter to accept the configuration and 0 to finish

After finishing the time config it will take several minutes to install the amp software (be patient again)


Create the amprecovery and ampadmin users following the wizard(you can hit enter to use the defaults for both users) and remember the ampadmin password entered in this step


Configure the network settings,at least: 1,2,3,6 and commit changes with 9

Type y to restart networking


Restart Networking, create the ssl cert answering the questions and that’s it!!!


After configuring the settings wait a few minutes until you try the GUI using the IP you configured https://AirwaveIP


Login with admin for user and the same password from the last step.


Now you have installed Aruba Airwave



  1. great post as usual Ulises.

    What about Central OnPremise? is the opposite to AirWave?

    1. Hi, it's not the opposite but like a new version going forward.


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